Mitigation credits to offset impacts to
Oregon white oak (available now)
Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) is Washington’s only native oak species and provides valuable habitat for numerous wildlife species. A decline in the abundance of Oregon white oak in Washington has led to the protection of these Oregon White Oak Woodlands under Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (WDFW) Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) designation, which is regulated by Washington State counties under the Growth Management Act through Critical Area Ordinances. Reservations and sales for Oregon white oak mitigation credits to offset development impacts and comply with local permits for development projects in the Lower Columbia River Valley are available now. Contact us for more information.

Increasing functions and availability of rare
Oregon white oak habitats
Oregon white oak habitats within the Wapato Valley Bank site will be enhanced, preserved, and created to reinvigorate, expand, and protect healthy oak woodland habitats. Existing Oregon White Oak Woodland habitats will be enhanced through thinning activities to achieve a stem density that increases sunlight to each oak tree to promote growth, acorn production, and natural oak recruitment and to reduce non-oak tree competition while maintaining stand diversity. Understory vegetation functions will benefit from canopy thinning activities and will be further improved through the removal and control of noxious and invasive plant species, the retention of target native shrubs, and native vegetation plantings. Snags and large pieces of downed wood will be retained, and additional snags designed to support wildlife values will be created. Additional acreage of oak habitat will be established through planting Oregon white oak seedlings. Areas of preservation will ensure that human disturbance remains at a minimum, and that upland habitat corridors can continue to provide food and shelter for wildlife that benefit from or depend on oak habitats.